Eyes on Animals present on the Dutch horse markets
From August until
early November, EonA sent teams to oversee the yearly horse markets held throughout the Netherlands:
Bemmel, Elst,
Roden, Zuidlaren and Hedel (click
on the links to read the reports).
Our teams get there late at night to watch the first animals
being unloaded, spend the whole night and following day inspecting the
horses and their treatment, and report on any violations. We
are usually there when no authority has yet arrived, and stay after
they are gone. We again made sure water and feed was available, and
better methods of tying up the animals in place. This year we even
managed to get the authorities to finally enforce the rule forbidding
horses with docked tails from being accepted, with several horses even
removed from the market. Only this way will the vicious circle
of horses still having their tails docked be stopped!