Animal welfare sounds so straightforward, it should indeed be the most natural thing in the world. Simply respectful treatment between humans and animals. Unfortunately, reality often paints a different picture, where economic and political motives frequently hinder animal welfare. Representing Eyes on Animals, cattle behaviourist and veterinarian Dr. Ronald Rongen participated today in the sixth meeting of the Calf Farming Working Group, as part of the Flemish Council for Animal Welfare, held in Brussels.
After several exploratory conversations and meetings, this 6th meeting was to finally formulate concrete proposals and present them to the Flemish Council for Animal Welfare in Belgium. That was the objective of thisworking group. However, it has become a very complex task. partly due to the diversity of conversation partners, stakeholders, and representatives, and partly due to the various laws and regulations at both Flemish and European levels. Significant decisions and formulations require considerable effort and time. Therefore, another meeting will follow in June 2024 to reach a joint position and document it. Eyes on Animals will be represented once again. Eyes on Animals continues to advocate for an animal welfare-friendlier calf farming industry where calves can have a better quality of life and experience joy and comfort and natural behaviours. We will kee persisting and keep you informed!