Two Norwegian scientists from Animalia, Oslo are present during the catching of the chickens at Rondeel in Wintelre. Animalia is the Norwegian Meat and Poultry Research Centre which addresses health- and welfare issues for all farm animals.
They performed an experiment to compare the upright catching method (birds held upright maximum 2 at a time) to the traditional method (held upside down, multiple chickens per hand).
This experiment proved th upright method to be much more humane. Because The Netherlands is the only country where, because of EonA, this Dutch method is used, we invited these scientists to see for themselves.
Rondeel, the first company to implement this method through EonA, welcomed the scientists to come and observe.
Once all the chickens were caught and loaded, the manager of Rondeel, the scientists and EonA inspectors sat down together to exchangedtheir findings and opinions. Both Norwegian guests reacted positively to the possibility to introduce this method for the hens in Norway.Eyes on Animals is often present during the time the chickens are caught using the up-right method to ensure it’s done well and in a calm matter.
Upright is always better than the traditional method, but we believe that a change in mentality within the catching crew is crucial for the overall success of this method.